Instagram’s Video Needs Sound Filters

When I view video on Instagram I do it with the sound off.

The main reason? The sound is simply awful. It’s too loud, the microphone needs a wind muffler, and the videos all have a serious case of mono.

Having good sound is a big production. This is why really good sound people can cost $250 to $500 per hour, and believe me, it’s worth it.

If you want to record sound really well, this is the sort of equipment you’ll need:

Audacity – a free open source sound recorder.

You’ll also need a mic with a wind muffler and to immerse people in the experience, get two microphones and be sure that the recorder can handle stereo.

This is just my 2 cents, and there’s an opportunity here for someone that could design a microphone and an app that could do just as well as pro equipment.